Author Archives: Jeff Allanach
A Thanksgiving feast highlights an evolving contradiction
I can still feel the steam hug my face as it rises from the marshmallow-covered heap of sweet potatoes and cranberry-laden pile of turkey that serve as staples of many American homes on Thanksgiving Day. I’m not complaining, mind you. … Continue reading
That dreadful Thanksgiving Day phone call
I can’t wait to sit down Thursday to a full Thanksgiving Day spread at my sister’s house, pour thick gravy over a mound of mashed potatoes, mix it with a piece of juicy turkey, dip it in Karen’s signature cranberry … Continue reading
Fighting bullies with pigtails
News stories about bullies always catch my attention, especially when they feature a triumphant underdog. I found one such story in The Washington Post last month about a high school girl in Massachusetts who was bullied because she wore pigtails in her hair. But … Continue reading
How do you talk with your children about kids and alcohol?
I’ve always known the day would come when I’d have one of those awkward talks with my children. You know the ones. Whether it’s kids and alcohol, drugs, alcohol or sex, these conversations never come easy. But I didn’t expect … Continue reading
Don’t erase dads
I can’t count the number of television shows and commercials that either try to erase dads or make us look like bumbling idiots. Whether it’s Dad asking Mom ridiculous questions to which she always says no, or it’s commercials that … Continue reading
For fathers in youth sports, lessons extend beyond the field
I’m fairly new to the world of fathers in youth sports. Both of my children have played on soccer, basketball or baseball teams, but none have been competitive. They have all been recreational, so kids simply sign up and all can … Continue reading
‘Absent’ tells an important story of fatherlessness
Who knew I had so much in common with James Hetfield? You know the guy, the Metallica frontman? He sings with gusto, from the bottom of his gut, in a way that attracts fans to sell-out shows wherever his band plays. … Continue reading
Santa Claus is slimming down
Me: I’m going downstairs to ride the treadmill. Gavin (7): Why? You rode the treadmill yesterday. Celeste (10): Yeah, Daddy. Don’t go. Me: But you have to exercise more than once. You don’t want me to have a big belly … Continue reading
I’m a man!
Kids can handle bad news … if their parents can
Children learn to respond to the world around them largely from their parents. If they consistently see Dad scream at drivers who cut him off in traffic, they too will yell at children who butt in front of them on … Continue reading